Semestral Break Blues

Cloud Write Now
1 min readOct 23, 2017

Before we proceed with the post, first of all(pun intended *for Filipinos), What is a Semestral Break?

A semestral break is a division in an academic year that occurs in October (in the Philippines) that ranges from 1–2 weeks.

Some people have advantages while it is still “Sembreak”.

They go for a vacation in their province, visit some dream destinations, or just dormire.

Well, for my case, I don’t quite enjoy the sembreak. Interruzione semestrale for me, is kind of, boring.

You kinda miss the pressure when you’re in class.

Or the coldness of your classroom.

the noise of your classmates.

Well, on the other hand, It still has some advantages.

I can use the Wi-Fi unlimitedly.

I can also dormire all day.




Cloud Write Now

awkward, nervous, and weird. cadet. reader. writer. photographer. lover.